Home Uncategorized Civitan Santa toy drive gets underway

Civitan Santa toy drive gets underway

by Minden Press-Herald

The Civitan Santa toy drive is getting underway to give a new toy to needy children who might not otherwise have a gift this Christmas.

The Minden Civitan Club and the Young Women’s Service Club are again teaming up this year to collect and distribute toys to children in the Minden-South Webster area.

Minden police officers and Webster Parish Sheriff’s deputies will deliver the toys just before Christmas.

For those who wish to contribute, new unwrapped toys may be delivered to the Minden Police Department or any of the Minden fire stations. Cash donations may be mailed to Minden Civitan Club, P.O. Box 95, Minden, LA 71058.

Several businesses will also have drop boxes for toys.

Application forms may be picked up at the Minden Police Department, the Minden fire stations, the Webster Community Action offices or at the United Christian Assistance Program, or UCAP.

Applications will be considered for children through the age of 13.

Last year, this program provided toys for more than 500 children in almost 200 families in the area.

In order to have all of the toys delivered by Christmas, all applications must be in the hands of sponsors by Dec. 14.

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