Home Uncategorized Epsilon Rho Xinos, Kudos bring home trophies from annual youth conference

Epsilon Rho Xinos, Kudos bring home trophies from annual youth conference

by Minden Press-Herald

The Xinos and Kudos of Epsilon Rho brought home several trophies from the Southwest Region 43rd Annual Xinos and 33rd Annual Kudos Youth Conference in Oklahoma City.

Kudos/Xinos placed first in the Step Show competition, Kudos Praise Dancers placed first and the Xinos Praise Dancers placed third in the Talent Competition. In the basketball competition, Jordan Becnel/Aaron Moses placed first in division I, Shammorow Whiting placed second in division III and Ketravion Oliver placed third in division II. Serenity Lewis was voted Secretary Regional Officer and Kendal Allums was voted Assistant Secretary Regional Officer.

Members of the Xinos/Kudos who attended the Southwest Region Annual Youth conference were, from front to back, first row, Xinos/Kudos Sponsor Gail Coleman, Isaiah boston, Krystal Williams, Kendal Alums, Alexis Allen, Tavarius Edwards, Brianna Giles, Alexia West and Jordan Becnel. Second row are Tymecia Wilson, Mi’Liyah Newman, Keyana Stanley, Camryn Banks, Serenity Lewis, Dakota Weathers, Aaron Moses, Alaysia Wright. Third row are Chacoria Rhone, Kiarah Rhone, Donte’ Lindsey, Shonesty Kinsey, Kayla Theus, Kertravion Oliver, Sha’Morrow Whiting, Ah’Mani owens, Ta’Konzae Williams, Tony Rivette, Tayler Banks, Tmya Hagans and Adrian Flournoy. Courtesy Photo

Members of the Xinos/Kudos who attended the Southwest Region Annual Youth conference were, from front to back, first row, Xinos/Kudos Sponsor Gail Coleman, Isaiah boston, Krystal Williams, Kendal Alums, Alexis Allen, Tavarius Edwards, Brianna Giles, Alexia West and Jordan Becnel. Second row are Tymecia Wilson, Mi’Liyah Newman, Keyana Stanley, Camryn Banks, Serenity Lewis, Dakota Weathers, Aaron Moses, Alaysia Wright. Third row are Chacoria Rhone, Kiarah Rhone, Donte’ Lindsey, Shonesty Kinsey, Kayla Theus, Kertravion Oliver, Sha’Morrow Whiting, Ah’Mani owens, Ta’Konzae Williams, Tony Rivette, Tayler Banks, Tmya Hagans and Adrian Flournoy. Courtesy Photo

About 600 educators, parents and students attended conference at the Tower Hotel in Oklahoma City. The event was hosted by Gamma Epsilon Chapter. Activities kicked off Friday afternoon with registration of chapters, Xinos/Kudos regional officers meeting credentials, activity books, arts, crafts and general sessions for all. The sessions included introductions, presentations, welcome/greetings from the Xinos/Kudos Regional Officers, Dr. Sylvia Williams, Southwest Regional Director and others. Also, campaign speeches from incoming officers were made. Later that evening, the youth participated in a Regional All Star Basketball game.

Saturday morning consisted of the election of regional officers, breakfast, public speaking competitions among the youth and workshops focusing on the theme, “Positive interactions with Law Enforcements.” Workshops were also held for parents entitled “Creating a Partnership with Parents.”

Saturday afternoon the youth traveled to the state capitol of Oklahoma, where debates were held between the various Xinos/Kudos chapters. The youth also had the privilege of meeting legislators and judges. Later that evening, they competed in the Talent Extravaganza and Step Show competition. The evening ended with a Dance/Social Hour.

During Sunday morning breakfast, youth listened to an inspirational message from the Rev. Lawrence C. Kirk, MDiv and Director of Christian Education at the St. John Missionary Baptist Church. Senior presentations/recognition, awards and installation of officers for 2017 was conducted at the end of the conference.

The conference is one of the many youth related activities in the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. The organization promotes professional growth, ethics, attitude and cultural standards; it acquaints teachers, parents and the community with the problems of the profession and trends related to the youth.

Epsilon Rho Chapter members in attendance were Gail Coleman, Xinos/Kudos sponsor, Felicia Harris and Amanda Thomas, president. Guest helpers of the sorority included Step Masters Breleisha Gilbert, Kellie Carter and Isiah Boston. Dance choreographers were Alexandria Knap and Ariel Wallace.

The Epsilon Rho Chapter thanked each and everyone for continuous support of their youth group.

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