Home NewsLife Ever dreamed of becoming a Master Gardener?

Ever dreamed of becoming a Master Gardener?

by Minden Press-Herald

Ever dreamed of becoming a Master Gardener?  Now is your chance. The LSU AgCenter is accepting applications for the next Piney Hills Louisiana Master Gardeners class, scheduled for June through September. Membership is open to all adults in Northwest Louisiana. Master Gardeners are the volunteer arm of the LSU AgCenter. They are trained in horticulture in exchange for 40 hours of volunteer service, sharing what they have learned with other gardeners.

Volunteer opportunities include organizing and staffing the annual garden tour, annual seminar, along with the spring Plant Sale, teaching children about gardening, creating, and maintaining demonstration gardens and assisting in local parish extension offices.

So, what will you learn? Topics include insects, plant health, vegetables, fruits, turf, ornamentals and more. Classes, both lecture and hands-on, are taught by Louisiana Cooperative Extension specialists, university professors and other horticulture experts.

Classes will be held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. every Tuesday for 11 weeks, starting June 18, 2024. Attendance at all classes is required for certification. There is a $165 registration fee, which covers the cost of training manuals, publications and supplies for the class. The registration deadline is May 27, 2024. 

Call 318-927-3110 or 318-371-1371, to request an application, or download one at www.phlmg.com (Programs and follow the links.)

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