Fannie Moore: It’s OK to Say, ‘I’ll Do That Tomorrow’

Do you ever tell yourself “I’ll do that tomorrow”?

That seems to have become my usual comment. I get out of bed with good intentions and before I can get started, I find reasons why I can’t  do it now.

Since I have been able to be back in the kitchen, I have been wanting to cook something to repay some of the friends who brought food for us when we needed it.  Before I can get started, I find a reason not to do it today.

Blueberry bread was at the top of my list but I noticed I did not have all the ingredients I needed. So I would pick up the necessary items the next time I went to the store. Since our trips to town are limited that won’t be easy.  I sometimes find when I get home that I have forgotten to put an item on my list. So, all of you ladies who might enjoy a loaf of warm blueberry bread with your coffee, forgive me and don’t give up. I will just do that tomorrow.

Another item that is always a hit for people who are feeling poorly is a pot of Cheesey Potato Soup, with a hot pan of Jalepeno Cornbread. I have made this for friends who really enjoyed it. When I look in my pantry, I find that it has been almost depleted while I was out of the kitchen. I need to replenish it but I will do that tomorrow. 

After being home from the hospital for sometime, I still haven’t mailed “thank you” cards to all my “angels” who were so caring and helpful during the time I needed them. “I’ll get some cards when I go back to town.”  Have you heard that before ?

 Well, I finally got some cards but I was making copies of a newspaper column to include in each one and I have not completed that task. So as  usual “ I’ll do that tomorrow”. 

 I never liked to be called names, but I’m beginning to think you all will be calling me a procrastinator.  

 In order to avoid this, I must tidy up my desk , write my column,  write a note in my thank you cards, finish copying the column and include them in the cards, make my list to refill my pantry, go to town and remember to take the list, get everything on the list and put them away when I get home.

 Then I will stop and enjoy a cup of coffee. And the other things…

  I’ll do that tomorrow.

Fannie Moore lives in Shongaloo.