Home » Karen’s Korner: Having a purpose

Karen’s Korner: Having a purpose

by Minden Press-Herald

Karen’s Korner,

Having a purpose goes a long way with our senior adults today. After years of preparing for  life through education, rearing children, keeping a house, being an avid part of the workforce, or serving on numerous committees, boards, and Civic organizations, the activities and responsibilities begin to disappear. What most seniors are left with is a void or a lack of purpose.                                                                                                                     

Psychology Today gives us several ways to realize our purpose as we age.

  1. Work Mission: Never retire…Keep working if only part time. If not paid work, find meaning in work such as volunteer work, personal projects, or home improvement.
  2. Love and friendship… Finding meaning in the love of another person is an inspiring motivator. Many older people find meaning in relationships with spouses, friends, children, and grandchildren and in taking care of beloved others.
  3. Compassion for others…Compassion and concern for others may protect against feelings of meaninglessness! As one senior said, “If you’re feeling lonely, then go out and do something for somebody else.” 
  4. Small joys and pleasures… Just learning to appreciate small pleasures is a habit worth cultivating. (LOOK FOR THE BLESSINGS IN THE LITTLE THINGS OF LIFE!)
  5. Staying strong and healthy…You won’t be able to accomplish much if you lack energy and strength. And just staying strong to perform the normal activities of daily living is an accomplishment in itself! Stay active! 
  6. Creative projects and play…Creative activities, humor, and play of all sorts can provide a sense of purpose for many people. Hobbies, sports, and experiences such as art, travel, music, nature, reading, and culture can touch us deeply and give us purpose.
  7. Leaving a legacy…By a “legacy” I mean writing a will to ensure the smooth passage of your assets to your children or other heirs, and contributing to your family or to the world in many ways by answering the question, “What kind of gifts do I want to leave to the world before I die?” This may even be an effective way to guide you toward your current purpose.
  8. Bearing suffering with grace, courage, and dignity…Be a good role model for your children and others even when your life is painful. Focus on gratitude — what you do have, rather than what you don’t. Demonstrate courage by accepting what you cannot change.

IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR US ALL TO HAVE PURPOSE IN LIFE! WE ARE NEVER TOO OLD!  If you have questions or comments, call the Webster Parish Council on Aging, at 318-371-3056!

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