Home NewsLife Karen’s Korner: Memory concerns

Karen’s Korner: Memory concerns

by Minden Press-Herald

Karen’s Korner,

Better Health While Aging (Practical information for aging health and family caregivers), tells us the following: Memory concern issues among our senior adult population today is a “Commonly Neglected Problem to Address for Healthier Aging!” The reasons for this is that our aging population is growing larger so very quickly,  there is more education and information concerning mental issues among our seniors, and fear of dementia.

They go on to say: “Memory concerns often cause anxiety for older adults and families. They may — or may not — reflect substantial decreases in thinking abilities. Evaluation helps by providing a more objective measure of whether a person is cognitively impaired, and to what extent. Even more importantly, evaluation can uncover treatable causes of decreased brain function, such as medication side-effects, thyroid problems, and a variety of other problems which are common in older adults.

People are often reluctant to have memory concerns evaluated because they are worried that it could be Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. They also may believe that “nothing can be done.” It can help to tell people that we can often find ways to improve a person’s brain function, either by identifying and treating an underlying health problem or by encouraging the activities that promote brain health.”

There is so much research involving Alzheimer’s, and other forms of dementia going on in the medical field, and doctors and researchers are uncovering new steps and procedures for treatments. It is never wrong to seek medical advice and take the testing procedures so that our seniors can be helped, if, experiencing mental issues.

After all, there is some natural loss that is going to be prevalent as we age, but there are many discoveries and treatments that may help. For further information call the COA – 318-371-3056. Have a great week.

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