BATON ROUGE — Louisianians have about a week left to register to vote in the November election.
Oct. 6 is the last day to register to vote.
On Nov. 4, voters will choose Democrat U.S. Sen Mary Landrieu or one of her Republican opponents, who include Baton Rouge’s U.S. Rep. Bill Cassidy and tea party-backed Rob Maness, of Madisonville, in the heated U.S. Senate battle. The race has been identified nationally as one that could ultimately determine whether Democrats maintain control of the Senate.
The Advocate reports more than 90,000 Louisiana residents have sent registration documents to local registrars’ offices across the state since Aug. 1. That includes 28,000 valid new voter forms. Another 52,000 were changes to existing voter records, while 10,000 were either invalid or duplicate registrations.