Home » One-on-one With Antonio Rivette

One-on-one With Antonio Rivette

by Minden Press-Herald

Q: Where is your favorite place to eat?
A: Either Golden Corral or Ryan’s. I want an all you can eat buffet.

Q: What is your favorite TV show? Movie?
A: The Flash is my favorite television series. Favorite movie? I’d have to say Avengers.

Q: What’s better? Throwing a long touchdown or running for one?
A: Throwing one. When I throw the ball I like to watch the spin of the ball and see my receivers make those big plays.

Q: What’s it been like to be on a team that’s helped put Minden football back on the radar?
A: It’s been a good thing. The community is coming back together. For the town of Minden to believe in us is special. It makes you excited to go out and play ball.”

Q: Using three words, describe yourself.
A:Humble, laid-back and pumped.

Q: Who is a quarterback that you look up to or admire their game?
A: Robert Griffin III. When he was in college at Baylor he was my role model. He has been ever since.

Q: If you could play any other position, what would it be?
A: Running back

Q: When will we see you catch a touchdown? Coach Heard has to have a trick play for you, right?
A: It’s been in there. I’m willing to do it. I’m just waiting on that trick play to come.

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