Home » Q&A with Lakeside Senior Warriors

Q&A with Lakeside Senior Warriors

by Minden Press-Herald

Dylan Welch
Optical Capturing Specialist/Manager

What has been your favorite part of being a Lakeside Warrior?

My favorite part of being a Lakeside Warrior has been the friendships and bonds I have made with all the people I have met.

What do you enjoy about homecoming week at Lakeside?

The thing I enjoy most about homecoming week is the atmosphere of our school when they show their school pride.

What will you miss about being a Warrior football manager?

The thing I will miss most about being a warrior is the great games I got to watch on Friday nights.

Justin Garrett

What has been your favorite part of being a Lakeside Warrior?

My favorite part of being a warrior has been traveling with and helping the team. It has been a fun opportunity.

What do you enjoy about homecoming week at Lakeside?

Seeing what people dress up like on dress up days. I also enjoy the spirited atmosphere.

What will you miss about being a Warrior football manager?

The bonds I have built with the team over the years.

Galen Green

What has been your favorite part of being a Lakeside Warrior?

My favorite part of being a Lakeside Warrior is the pride that everyone shows, the family like environment and playing football all these years.

What do you enjoy about homecoming week at Lakeside?

I enjoy being able to look around the school during the week and seeing everyone dressed up showing their warrior pride.

What will you miss about being a Warrior football player?

I will miss Coach Pesses enthusiasm throughout the week. I will miss being able to perform under those friday night lights.

Zachary Zaldivar
Center/Nose Guard

What has been your favorite part of being a Lakeside player?

My favorite part of being a Lakeside Warrior is that I have a family that will always be there for me. I also love the fact I can be a leader and a role model.

What do you enjoy about homecoming week at Lakeside?

No matter what the occasion we always train hard.

What will you miss about being a Warrior football player?

I’m going to miss a lot of things. Being able to hit people for no reason. I’m gonna miss having a family like I have now and just being a part of something huge. I will never forget my family.

Jordan Bind

What has been your favorite part of being a Lakeside Warrior?

My favorite part of being a Lakeside Warrior is the friendship I share with the other players.

What do you enjoy about homecoming week at Lakeside?

I enjoy the atmosphere and school spirit showed by the school.

What will you miss about being a Warrior football player?

I will miss the pride of playing for my hometown team.

Frankie Chanler

What has been your favorite part of being a Lakeside Warrior?

Just being able to be surrounded by the coaches and teachers of Lakeside. They always were there to share encouragement and support.

What do you enjoy about homecoming week at Lakeside?

Seeing everyone dress up each day and the atmosphere homecoming brings.

What will you miss about being a Warrior football player?

Not being able to dress out and play on friday night anymore. Also I will miss the coaching staff of Lakeside football.

Chris Brantley

What has been your favorite part of being a Lakeside Warrior?

Starting as a freshman on Lakeside varsity team has played a big role in my school school career. Wearing the jersey with warriors written on it gives me something to play for, but my favorite part is having a bond with the people on the team and becoming a family.

What do you enjoy about homecoming week at Lakeside?

Homecoming week means getting to dress up in wacky outfits and doing fun things to support our school and the students show their pride. However, my enjoyment is at the end of the week where friday night is the most important game. My desire is to play my heart out for my school.

What will you miss about being a Warrior football player?

I will miss walking out of the warrior’s locker room, seeing the fans and walking on to the field on Friday nights. I will miss the coaching staff, hearing Coach Pesses scream every day and being a leader of the Warrior football team.

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