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Home » Karen’s Korner: Laughter is the best medicine

Karen’s Korner: Laughter is the best medicine

by Minden Press-Herald

Karen’s Korner

Laughter is the best medicine…I have heard this statement most of my life, and I know it is true. I always feel better after a good laugh. It cleanses me.

“According to the AMA,” Having a sense of humor and finding time to have a good laugh could be keys to aging in good health.”

“There are a lot of physical benefits of laughter,” according to Rebecca Abenante, MA, MSW, LSW, ASW-G. She is the healthy aging coordinator for New Jersey’s Atlantic Health System.” The benefits of laughter include boosting the level of oxygen in the blood and the release of cortisol, endorphins and the immune system’s T-cells, Abenante said during “Chuckles, Chortle and Giggles: The Benefits of Laughter for Seniors,” a web-based seminar on the physical and mental benefits of laughter presented by Atlantic Health.

“It’s hard to feel that stress when you’re laughing,” Abenante said. Laughter also boosts levels of dopamine and other stress-busting chemicals and hormones that can naturally help to lower anxiety and depression, added Abenante, who is a social worker specializing in working with older adults and their families.

“Laughter also works out the diaphragm and improves “cough efficacy,” which is important for people with asthma, bronchitis or other chronic lung issues”, she said.                                                                                                                             

Laughter is important and essential for senior adults as they age.

Even the Bible supports this: Proverbs 17:22 states: “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” 

We always have laughter going on at the COA. We are located at 1482 Sheppard Street, here in Minden. Come on by and have fun with us.

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