Monday, June 3, 2024
Home » YWSC Easter Egg Bash at Babbs Park

YWSC Easter Egg Bash at Babbs Park

by Minden Press-Herald

Candy-filled eggs were scattered across Babbs Park Sunday afternoon for the Easter Egg Bash hosted by the Young Women’s Service Club. Along with the main event of an easter egg hunt, there were additional activities for families to enjoy, including face painting services, bounce houses, and refreshments, and a snow cone trailer.

The free refreshments and even the egg hunt itself was able to be provided free to the community thanks to generous support of local sponsors. The YWSC thanks b1BANK for sponsoring the bounce houses, Carter for sponsoring the candy, Debbie Callender realtor for LaState Realty for sponsoring the face painting, Laura Horton for sponsoring refreshments, Home Federal Bank for sponsoring the Easter bags, Hugh Wood Catering and Specialty Meats for sponsoring the hot dogs, and Gibsland Bank and Trust for Sponsoring the snow cone trailer.

Through the work of the YWSC volunteer’s who put on the event as well as the generosity of organizations and businesses supporting this local event in their community, the Easter Egg Bash was held, giving families and their children the opportunity to take part in a cherished Easter tradition.

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