Home Uncategorized Amateur radio users gather for ‘Ham Fest’

Amateur radio users gather for ‘Ham Fest’

by Minden Press-Herald

Amateur radio enthusiasts looking to connect with one another, pick a needed radio or even test for their license are invited to join the Minden Amateur Radio Association for its annual “Ham Fest.”

Set for Saturday, Dec. 20, the event will be at the Minden Civic Center, 520 Broadway, and is a day-long event. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Entrance tickets are $5 each at the door, which includes one prize ticket.

Door prizes will be drawn periodically throughout the day. The grand prize drawing will be at 2 p.m. Prize tickets for the drawing are available at the door or from club members. Prices are: $1 for one, $5 for six, $10 for 15, $20 for 35, $25 for 50 and $50 for 100.

Credit cards may be processed this year for payment of entry and prize tickets.

Hamburgers, hot dogs, gumbo and sodas will be available at the concession stand throughout the day for hungry enthusiasts.

Swap tables will also be set up at $5 per table for individuals who wish to sell or swap merchandise.

For all ham operators, below is listed several activities:

Talk-in: 147.300 PL186.2 (NLA Link System)

VE Testing: All levels from 9 until 11:30 a.m.

ARRL Forum: 12:30 until 1:30 p.m.

DXCC Card Checker: ARRL-appointed DXCC card checker, Bobby Baker, WM5H, will be present at a table to check DX cards for awards.

MARA is designated as a special service club, which means they participate in many events throughout the year. These have included Mardi Gras parades, walk-a-thons, bike-a-thons, the Caney Lake Triathlon as well as Skywarn when the need arises. They are also available for any communication needs of north Louisiana.

As a public service organization, they help people in distress, provide communications during disasters and report severe weather conditions.

For more information, contact Virginia Watson at 318-294-0238 or Johnnye Kennon at 318-377-4240.

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