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Animal rescue looks to go mobile

by Minden Press-Herald

Lumberjack Rescue raising funds for trailer

Maria Gonzalez
Special to the Minden Press-Herald

SPRINGHILL — A big goal has been set for Lumberjack Rescue, a non-profit safe haven for neglected, abused and battered animals. However, they are going to need community support to achieve it.

There has always been a deep need for an animal shelter in Webster Parish, as can be seen by the number of stray dogs found throughout the parish on any given day.

In 2011, that need was satisfied by Justin Thomas, founder of Lumberjack Rescue and Friends.

“We’ve handled about 3,000 strays and owner surrenders in just the past 5 years,” said Thomas, “And it all costs! It costs roughly around $150,000 a year to run this place.” A large portion of those costs come from Thomas’s own pocket.

The rescue is dependent upon donations from the local community (and beyond) to sustain it.

Thomas’s most recent goal for the rescue is to raise enough funds to buy a trailer and turn it into a “mobile rescue unit.”

“We would save both money and time by having reasonable transportation on hand at all times,” Thomas said, “But the main goal that I have in mind is to outfit the trailer with everything we’d need to be able to help out in the event of a natural disaster.”

After Harvey and Irma wreaked havoc in 2017, thousands of hurricane-displaced cats and dogs were gathered for transport and medical attention. Yet, despite all of the cooperation and community involvement, hundreds were still left behind due to lack of supplies, transit, etc.

“With something like this [mobile rescue unit] countless more animals could have been saved,” Thomas said. Rescuing animals in need has been my dream for a very long time, and I truly believe that this is the next step. And I believe we can pull it off!”

Nearly $3,000 has already been raised for the Mobile Rescue project, but Thomas and the Rescue still have a long way to go. The cost of the trailer alone, before outfitting, is approximately $15,000.

If you would like to donate please go to www.lumberjackrescue.com/donate, visit their Facebook page, or call 318-578-7800.

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