The Mayor and Council held a special session Monday morning to hear the appeal of the City of Minden’s former Airport Manager, Steven Burdeaux, regarding his termination.
At the start of the meeting, both parties agreed to move the meeting into an executive session. “I would like to entertain a motion that we go into executive session. There has been an offer laid on our table that I think we need to discuss,” said Mayor Nick Cox.
Half an hour later, both parties returned from the executive session and seemed to have reached an agreement, leading to Burdeaux withdrawing his appeal of the termination.
City Attorney Jimbo Yocom summarized the conclusion of the executive session by saying, “The counsel for the City of Minden and for Mr. Burdeaux have discussed the matter, and we have decided it’s in the best interest of the City of Minden and Mr. Burdeaux to reach an amicable resolution to this matter,” said Yocom.
“An agreement has been reached that we feel is in the best interests of all involved. It’s my understanding that Burdeaux, based on that agreement, is going to withdraw his appeal, the request for appeal to the council, and that will be all that is discussed about the matter.”
Burdeaux’s termination has been reversed and changed to a resignation satisfying all parties involved.