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Corrections employee arrested on DWI charge

by Minden Press-Herald



A David Wade Correctional Center employee has been arrested by the Webster Parish Sheriff’s Office for his second offense of DWI.

Louis Charles Hamilton, 46, of the 3700 block of Jones Road in Haughton, was charged with DWI (second offense), open container and improper lane usage. Bond was set at $1,550.

According to the police report, Capt. Robert Hayden initiated a traffic stop on Highway 163, southbound, after he observed a vehicle driving across the centerline and across the white fog line between D&H store and Princeton General Store.

Hamilton reportedly pulled over into the parking lot of the general store, and when Hayden made contact with him, he asked him to exit the vehicle. Reports indicate Hayden noticed Hamilton seemed unsure of his steps and swayed standing upright.

Standard field sobriety tests were conducted, to which police say he performed poorly. Hamilton was placed under arrest. During a search of the vehicle, a bottle was found of what appeared to be brandy was opened and partially empty.

Deputy Coby Barton transported Hamilton to the Webster Parish Courthouse. Police say he voluntarily submitted to a breathalyzer test, which showed his blood alcohol content as .177 percent. The legal limit is .08.

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