Home Uncategorized Court news for Aug. 7

Court news for Aug. 7

by Minden Press-Herald

Kenneth W. Cornelius: Charged with failure to register and notify as a sex offender or child predator (first offense). Further disposition set for Sept. 4.

Richano Fisher: Charged with terrorizing and disturbing the peace by appearing in an intoxicated condition. Bond reduced to a total of $10,000. Status conference set for Sept. 18. Trial set for Nov. 2.

Gary L. Harris: Charged with operating a vehicle with an expired license plate. Warrant issued.
Steven Allen Hinds: Charged with possession of a Schedule II CDS. Probation revoked, serve original sentence. Must complete substance abuse program and get his GED.

Kendric K. Jackson: Pled guilty to violation of a protective order and simple assault. Violation of protective order (second offense) charge dismissed. On the violation of protective order, must pay $200 plus court costs or 10 days in jail, six months of active supervised probation. Same sentence for simple assault charge. Sentences to run consecutively.

Deborah D. Jenkins: Charged with two counts of forgery, two counts of bank fraud, and possession of marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids. Trial maintained for Nov. 2.

Shelley Marie Johnson: Charged with assisting escape. Probation violation hearing passed to Aug. 31.

Casey Ryan Moss: Charged with possession of marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids. Status conference continued until Sept. 4.

Michael Thain Schuler: Charged with three counts of theft of $1,500 or more, two counts of simple burglary, three counts of conspiracy to commit felony theft and two counts of conspiracy to commit simple burglary. Status hearing set for Aug. 31. Trial set for Nov. 2.

Jason Aaron Scott: Pled not guilty to theft of $750 or more but less than $5,000 and illegal possession of stolen things over $1,500. Charged with three counts of theft of $1,500 or more, two counts of simple burglary, three counts of conspiracy to commit felony theft, two counts of conspiracy to commit simple burglary. Status conference continued until Aug. 31. Trial maintained for Nov. 2.

Austin Anderson: Found guilty of simple battery. Must pay $200 plus court costs within 45 days or spend 45 days in the Webster Parish Jail. No inappropriate or physical contact with family.

Richard L. Harris: Charged with disturbing the peace. Bench warrant issued. Bond set for $1,000.

Michelle Johnson: Pled guilty to cyberstalking. No contact with victim. Must pay $250 plus court costs within 45 days or spend 45 days in the Webster Parish Jail.

Justin Cassidy Miller: Pled not guilty to domestic abuse battery (first offense). Status conference set for Aug. 24. Trial set for Oct. 19.
Kristen L. Renner: Pled not guilty to battery of a police officer, disturbing to peace, and flight from an officer. Trial set for Oct. 2.

Michael Bryant: Charged with theft of oil and gas equipment over $25,000, operating a vehicle without a driver’s license, operating a vehicle in an unsafe question, criminal trespassing, and theft under $500. Bond return satisfied. Status hearing set for Aug. 14. Trial set for Oct. 23.

Contrarrio M. Cornelius: Charged with three counts of distribution of a Schedule II CDS. Sentence to five years of hard labor at the Louisiana Department of Corrections, suspended, for each count for a total of 15 years. Five years of active supervised probation, $75 monthly fee, probation concurrent, 32 hours of community service.

Carlos Cowthorn: Charged with aggravated assault with a motor vehicle upon a peace officer and aggravated flight from an officer. Must pay a total of $1,000 restitution to officer. Sentenced to eight years of hard labor at the Louisiana Department of Corrections, credit for time served, to be served consecutive to any other sentence for aggravated assault charge. For aggravated flight charge, sentence to one year of hard labor at the Louisiana Department of Corrections, concurrent with aggravated assault charge.

Jason O. Ford: Pled not guilty to simple criminal damage to property valued at $500 or more but under $50,000, aggravated assault with a motor vehicle upon a peace officer, resisting an officer with force or violence, battery of a police officer, careless operation of a motor vehicle, and unlawful operation of an off-road vehicle. Status conference set for Sept. 11. Trial set for Dec. 7.

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