The Village of Dixie Inn has launched a new website making it easier for its residents to keep up with important information.

In this screenshot from Thursday morning, the new Dixie Inn Website can be seen.
Mayor Ava Nell McWhorter says the website is up but not yet completed.
“It’s still a work in progress,” she said. “We will have all of our ordinances on it, and it will have any information on it that is pertinent to the public and to our citizens.”
Village Clerk Jane Rogers says they are using a company called nCourt for all of their online payment services; however, they are still in the process of getting that set up. For now, residents will still have to pay their utility bills by paying in person at the municipal office or mailing in their payments.
“The website is strictly for information, and it will tell residents where they can go to pay and what payment methods are accepted,” Rogers said.
For utilities, it lists when bills are due and the reconnection fee if services are disrupted. It also gives a phone number residents can call if they have any questions regarding their bill or garbage pickup.
Village ordinances will be posted on the website for residents for their information.
“Right now our ordinances are not on there, but the administrator is going to upload all of our ordinances concerning all regulations,” she said. “It’s got information on each department – the mayor’s office, the police department and the utilities department. We’re going to use the website as an informational place.”
Police Chief James Edwards says it offers an array of services for the Dixie Inn Police Department, giving easier access to those who have active warrants or need to pay tickets or fines.
“It will give links to pay your tickets, bench warrants, sex offender registry, and it has a link for all of our active traffic warrants,” he said. “Someone can go on there and see if they have an active traffic warrant through Dixie Inn, and call and make arrangements. If it was something that was 10 years ago, they may have gotten a ticket and forgotten all about it. They can go there and call us and we can give them the opportunity to get it taken care of.”
Crash reports will also be available, he says, as well as vacation watch requests. Edwards says if a homeowner is going out of town, they can go to the website, fill out a form and submit it. While the homeowner is gone, the police department will keep an eye out for any unusual activity at the homeowner’s property.
“When you submit it, it actually comes to my email,” he said. “No one else will know this; it’s not something that will be made public.”
The website also shows the dates of magistrate court as well as when council meetings are held. Phone numbers and addresses to each department – mayor’s office, police department and utility department – are also listed.
Louisiana Media Works LLC is the company providing the website service. In February, the Dixie Inn Council voted to procure his services. The village will pay an annual fee of $958.75, and this first payment included startup costs, Rogers said.
Visit Dixie Inn’s new website at