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Governor Edwards appoints Reynolds to state commission

by Minden Press-Herald

dsc_0981-e1465401675901-199x300Webster Parish Director of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Jenny Reynolds has been hand picked by Gov. John Bel Edwards to serve at the state level on its hazardous materials commission.

Reynolds said she is honored to be chosen, and explained her role as member-at-large to the Louisiana Emergency Response Commission. LERC has the responsibility to implement the federal hazardous materials Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act at the state level.

Reynolds said she is honored to be chosen, and explained her role as member-at-large to the Louisiana Emergency Response Commission. LERC has the responsibility to implement the federal hazardous materials Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act at the state level.

“LERC is the commission established under federal and state law to oversee the implementation of the federal laws regarding hazardous materials,” she said. “It helps coordinate and act as a lead in establishing guidelines for statewide emergency management programs.”

Webster Parish has a well-established emergency management program regarding hazardous materials, she said. With several U.S. highways, Interstate 20, railways and a significant number of miles of pipelines that come through Webster Parish, being a member of the LERC just enhances the parish’s already strong program in sharing emergency planning information, she said. The parish also has a number of companies that use hazardous chemicals.

“LERC is there to make sure that parishes are receiving that information and that information is shared at the local level for better preparedness for and response to chemical emergencies for the betterment and protection of public health and safety,” she said. “From Webster Parish’s perspective, this will improve even more so on that relationship.”

She was tapped in late October but the final Senate approval came down just a few days ago. LERC’s first meeting is set for Wednesday in Baton Rouge.

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