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Homecoming week at Brown Elementary

by Minden Press-Herald
Tuesday, Sept. 29 had the campus filled with "nerds" with the“REVENGE OF THE NERDS” spirit day. Pictured are Shawn Fields, 5th grade teacher and Principal Jessica Spence.

Tuesday, Sept. 29 had the campus filled with “nerds” with the“REVENGE OF THE NERDS” spirit day. Pictured are Shawn Fields, 5th grade teacher and Principal Jessica Spence. Courtesy Photo

During NWHS “Homecoming Week” students & teachers at Brown Upper Elementary School showed school spirit by dressing up.

Wednesday, Sep. 30 was “CRAZY SOCK DAY” The campus was overrun with students and faculty wearing their “crazy socks”.  Pictured are Cadence Canter, Anekah Coleman, principal Jessica Spence & Claire Grant. Courtesy Photo

Wednesday, Sep. 30 was “CRAZY SOCK DAY” The campus was overrun with students and faculty wearing their “crazy socks”.  Pictured are Cadence Canter, Anekah Coleman, principal Jessica Spence & Claire Grant. Courtesy Photo

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