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Home » Hudson-Pierce: Today was a beautiful day

Hudson-Pierce: Today was a beautiful day

by Minden Press-Herald

Today was a beautiful day!   I am still feeling the aura of today surrounding me in such a way that I must record it as a memory lest it slip away!!

Have you ever had a day when the sun continued to shine way past dark?  

I have.  Today was such a day.

Though I have been through the depths of depression, having suffered a nervous breakdown back in 1981, I bounced back far better than before.  Most of my days are far more up than down but  today sheds an aura around me making me warm deep inside.

Why was it so great?  Why  do I feel so high this late at night?

For one thing I have had enough alone time for me to play catch up on a few of my journalistic endeavors that I consider most important in my life as a writer.  Almost everyone who has a creative streak would most likely me   with me that it takes alone time to center down, to get in touch with one’s inner self and regroup enough to accomplish my writing endeavors.

For some reason I most often write my pieces in long hand and then go back and type and prepare them for publication.

But anyway it is most frustrating to be in an environment where all of my space is taken and I have little time to hear myself think. 

Hearing one’s self think is essential to nurturing one’s creative streak unless writing is only a temporary pasttime.

I can’t seem to thrive unless I have time alone to give birth to the pieces ready to be born.

It’s like I always say “write it down when it comes to you or it will be forever gone.”

Writers must write or go off the deep end — or so it seems to me.

When I have spent enough time alone then I am ready to temporarily rejoin the herd — temporarily I said.  Writers can’t shut it down forever and maintain their sanity — not if writing is in their blood.

I have written most of my life from the time I was in the orphanage until now at the age of seventy-five.  Writing has gotten me through some turbulent waters and has kept me from becoming totally shipwrecked, though some might question the truthfulness of that statement.

Having had a faith in God most of my life I find deep peace in expressing the joy I feel today both in person and on paper.

Today began a beautiful day as I prepared three dozen homemade yeast rolls to be delivered to whosoever should come across my path.

I get so much pleasure out of working the dough and smelling the bread rise while I outline my day.  There is just something about making hot rolls that helps make any day a good day!

I took off on foot to a local grocery store and who would cross my path but a long time friend from Shreveport.  She was so delightful because she is an aunt to a good friend who lives close to me.  After we chatted in the store I told myself “I will hurry home and bring back a dozen or so rolls for her if she is still in the store!”  If she wasn’t I would take that as my message that the rolls should go to someone else but she was and she was so delighted to receive them and she promised to deliver some to my good friend on her way home.

What joy to meet a new friend in such  a spontaneous childlike way and to be so appreciated because I could easily see we are on the same wave length, both expressing our faith in God openly.

Anyway today was beautiful because I also accomplished enough of my writing endeavors to at least keep me a step ahead of where I could have been without the time to

hear myself think and to record those thoughts on the page to be sent out for publication.

Where this will all lead only time will tell but it is amazing what can happen when we put our hand into the hand of God knowing Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and

He always gets me to the right place at the right time.

Email Sarah at [email protected]

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