Home » Karen’s Korner: Choice and decision

Karen’s Korner: Choice and decision

by Minden Press-Herald

Karen’s Korner

As Seniors, we all have many things in common. We all have choices and decisions to make every day of our lives. Some are easier than others, and those that require a lot of prayer, a lot of time, and a lot of thought are the most difficult.  Our choices range from what to wear each day to what to have for lunch, to difficult medical choices, and life-changing events.

I think it is fair to say that our decisions are based on our choices. Or are our choices based on our decisions? Sometimes it is difficult to speculate. And then, there are the consequences that are based on both our choices and decisions.

Choice and decision are related concepts, but they have distinct meanings:

·        Choice refers to the array of options available for consideration, while decision is the act of settling on one particular option from those choices12.

·        Choice is often casual and without much deliberation, whereas decision typically involves a thoughtful process of evaluation2.

·        Decision is more process-oriented, involving analysis and steps, while choice is more mindset-oriented, based on perception34  (Copied)

Whatever choices and decisions we must make, we can always call on our Creator to lead and guide and help us to make those decisions and choices. And we have those around us who have our best interests at heart: family members, friends, medical professionals, and others who truly care. So, take a moment to think through, seek counsel, and make the best decisions based on your choices, after all, you do have choices, thank goodness!

We hope you make one of those choices to attend the Council on Aging, on Sheppard Street. We are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am. until 3:00 pm. for seniors 60 and above.

We hope to see you there soon.

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