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Home » Karen’s Korner: Tips to reduce worry

Karen’s Korner: Tips to reduce worry

by Minden Press-Herald

Karen’s Korner

Everyone has a different approach to making decisions in life. Some will spend countless hours, considering all the pros and cons, looking into all avenues, and finally taking a leap of faith to make the decision that is, beyond a shadow of doubt, the right thing to do.

Other people go through the same procedures and worry about their decision for the rest of their lives. So, what is the difference? Only one word: “Worry”

 That’s the key! What is ”Worry”

 According to the dictionary, it is a state or a condition of mental anxiety or distress, or a source or cause of the mental anxiety or distress. So, in essence, there has to be a cause or a reason, if you will, that produces that condition of worry, and the condition itself is the cause of much of our worry.

So, in conclusion we can worry about something that causes us to worry or we can worry about something that may not even exist that creates worry. Sounds confusing, doesn’t it?

 Here are some helpful hints to try and reduce worry:

 *Make sure that your actions are based on facts rather than emotions.

*Control the variables you can control,

*Seek wise counsel before jumping to conclusions,

*Learn from past experiences,

*Exercise faith in the process,

*Take a relaxation break, switch up your routine,

*Write down a plan for what you would do if a particular thing does happen, think ahead.

*Recognize triggers that cause you to worry…make proactive decisions to avoid or amend these triggers,

*Use breathing techniques!

These are certainly not exhaustive hints, but maybe they can help us to combat “worry!’ After all, some things we tend to worry about never happen!

 Take a break and come see us at the Webster Parish Council on Aging. Take one of those relaxation breaks with a game of bingo and a good meal.

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