Home » Kennedy in New York Post: We can’t let our broken border continue to be a magnet for terrorists

Kennedy in New York Post: We can’t let our broken border continue to be a magnet for terrorists

by Minden Press-Herald

“These terrorist sympathizers may be evil, but they’re not stupid. They know they can blend into the masses at the border unnoticed.”

MADISONVILLE, La. – Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, penned this op-ed in The New York Post warning that the crisis at our southern border has become a tool for the cartels and other groups that wish the American people harm to enter the country. Kennedy urged President Biden to give the Border Patrol and other federal agencies the resources they need to secure the border.

Key excerpts from Kennedy’s op-ed include:

“I don’t know if cartel thugs or terrorists make New Year’s resolutions, but I have to imagine that they’re struggling to dream up ways they could have a better year than they did while exploiting President Biden’s broken border policies in 2023.

“The Biden administration’s willful incompetence at the border not only created a human rights disaster, but it also provided the perfect cover for terrorist sympathizers, child sex offenders, and cartel associates to enter the United States illegally. These terrorists will have an even better year if Congress doesn’t step up with real legislative solutions.

“The numbers are horrifying. Border Patrol apprehended 169 members of the FBI’s terrorist watchlist attempting to cross the southern border illegally in fiscal year 2023 alone. That’s more than ten times as many potential terrorists than Border Patrol detained in the four years before President Biden took office.

“Individuals land on the FBI’s watchlist by associating with groups that hate America, our values, and our people. These terrorist sympathizers may be evil, but they’re not stupid. They know they can blend into the masses at the border unnoticed.”  

. . .

“The Biden administration has made our southern border a magnet for terrorists . . . . It’s both a national embarrassment and the biggest national security threat our country faces, yet President Biden continues to ignore the problem.

“My fellow Republicans and I are doing all we can to bring President Biden to the table. Democrats must agree to enforce the law and provide Border Patrol and other law enforcement organizations the tools they need to secure the border. So far, President Biden has denied the American people both.  

“His own FBI Director recently warned that the southern border poses a major threat to homeland security. He’s right, and I hope that admission is a sign that President Biden will start treating our border as the serious threat it is.”

Read Kennedy’s full op-ed here.

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