Home NewsRegional/State News Kennedy responds to State of the Union: “Biden admin has been breathtakingly awful”

Kennedy responds to State of the Union: “Biden admin has been breathtakingly awful”

by Minden Press-Herald

“Any fair-minded American knows that the guiding principle of this administration has been, ‘Let’s do the dumbest thing possible that won’t work.’ That is the unvarnished truth, and the American people deserve better.”

WASHINGTON – Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) released the following statement in response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address.

I’m an eternal optimist, but I am also a committed realist, and the fact is that the Biden administration has been breathtakingly awful. President Biden has mismanaged Congress. He’s mismanaged COVID. He’s mismanaged the economy. He’s mismanaged inflation. He’s mismanaged the national debt, the border, crime. He’s mismanaged Afghanistan. He’s mismanaged the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

“He’s mismanaged China. He’s embraced cancel culture. He’s treated parents like domestic terrorists, and his administration has foolishly, foolishly sacrificed America’s energy independence.

“Tonight, the president voiced some pretty words in his State of the Union speech, and he tried to tell us that the state of the union is good and that he has done a good job, and any fair-minded American knows that that is not true.

“Any fair-minded American knows that the guiding principle of this administration has been, ‘Let’s do the dumbest thing possible that won’t work.’ That is the unvarnished truth, and the American people deserve better.

Watch Kennedy’s full remarks here.

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