BATON ROUGE — Roughly a year after a medical marijuana bill was shot down in committee, the Louisiana Senate on Monday passed a similar proposal that could get medical-grade pot to those suffering from cancer, glaucoma and a severe form of cerebral palsy.
The bill sponsored by Sen. Fred Mills, R-Parks, passed on a 22-13 vote, sending it to the House for debate. The measure moved on despite concern from some lawmakers that medical marijuana could be abused.
During floor debate, Mills said his bill hits “the sweet spot between patient care and law enforcement.”
As written, Mills’ proposal would have tight controls on the use and distribution of the drug. Only 10 pharmacies in the state could fill prescriptions. The Department of Agriculture and Forestry would oversee the state’s sole cultivation facility, and patients prescribed the drug would be closely monitored.
Another major provision specifies that the plant cannot be smoked. Patients could consume only refined forms of marijuana such as oil, said Mills, who is a pharmacist.
Last year Mills brought a similar bill, but it was defeated in committee after drawing opposition from law enforcement. That changed this year, after Mills worked with the Louisiana Sheriffs’ Association to draft the bill.
The Louisiana District Attorney Association remains opposed to the bill, said Pete Adams, the group’s executive director.
“Quite frankly, there is no scientific evidence that medical marijuana is actually effective,” said Adams. He said he believes medical marijuana laws are a step toward the legalization of marijuana.
No one spoke in opposition to the bill during Monday’s Senate debate.
In committee, the bill drew heat from Sen. Dan Claitor, R-Baton Rouge, who said he didn’t want Louisiana’s law to be a sham law like in California where anyone can “walk in the door” to get medical marijuana. On the floor, however, Claitor ended up voting for the bill.
also need to legalize cannabis oils for cancer patients, FYI: the oils help but the end user does not get inebriated like he would if weed was smoked
Additionally, Louisiana could have reached out to other states who are actually regulating and taxing cannabis. If I understand this correctly they can pass this bill but no pharmacy will be able to distribute any form of cannabis because it is still a schedule 1 drug at the federal level.
I would like to Pete Adam’s to do some research —
Well what do they think patients will do with the Hash Oil? Let me answer that for you. They will smoke it.
Louisiana is determined to stay at the bottom of the good lists and at the top of the bad. I thought some of the hicks and hillbillies up here in the Plateau were backards but am reminded otherwise by what gets printed in the Minden paper about truly THUPID citizens and some of their elected officials. MJ, if pure, natural, and unadulterated, is significantly less harmful than some of the concoctions they serve at area bars and restaurants. Alcohol, by far is more addicting and causes far greater personal and societal harm than pot ever did. Unfortunately the alcohol lobby is much stronger and richer than the medical pot and cannabis oil advocacy groups. Let’s make some good strong Mary Jane brownies and share em with the legislators
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