Home Uncategorized McMahen to speak to Lions Thursday

McMahen to speak to Lions Thursday

by Minden Press-Herald

Special to the Minden Press-Herald

On Thursday, June 28, Dr. Wayne McMahen is scheduled to be Minden Lion’s Club speaker.

He will take about his family, Webster Parish history —his father was Webster Parish Sheriff for 20-plus years — and his experiences as a long time veterinarian and other topics.

McMahen was born in Magnolia, Ark. in 1954. He is a lifelong resident of Springhill
McMahen attended public schools in Springhill and graduated Springhill High School in 1972.

After High School, McMahen attended La. Tech University majoring in pre-veterinary medicine 1972-1976. McMahen attended LSU School of Veterinary Medicine 1976-1980. Upon graduation, he returned to Springhill to practice at the clinic his father, Dr. Royce McMahen, opened in 1954.

McMahen married Beverly Stuart McMahen in 1980. They have three children.

In keeping with Minden Lion’s Club protocol he will not talk about his campaign for State Representative, District 10.

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