The Minden Civitans held their annual installation banquet recently at the Exacta Inn.
Presiding over the banquet was President Elect Neal Stapleton. Special guests attending were Jim Bates, Civitan Youth Citizen Chairman for Louisiana and Janis Bryan, past governor for the Magnolia District.
After a meal, David Burger was presented a plague for his service as president of hte Minden Civitans for the past year. Janis Bryan then presented Roger Grubbs with the “Civitan of the Year” award. In closing, Bryan swore in the new officers for the 2014 – 2014 year.
Neal Stapleton will serve as president, Jeff Clemons as president elect, Roger Grubbs as corresponding secretary, Janis Bryan as secretary, Ed LaBruyere as treasurer, Bill Barnett as Chaplin and Bill Langley as Sergeant at Arms. The Minden Civitans welcome any new members with weekly meetings held every Tuesday at noon at the Exacta Inn.