Minden Medical Center has issued a public statement and restricted visitation in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
“Our hospital and clinics are concerned about the care of our patients, community, and staff. We have implemented measures within our facilities to help promote the health and safety in our community,” the statement read.
“If you are concerned you have COVID-19, we recommend seeking care from your local clinic, hospital, or call your primary care physician. They can evaluate you and determine if you meet the CDC guidelines for testing based on symptoms, travel, and exposure. If you meet the criteria, you will be advised on how to proceed with testing. Symptoms may include: respiratory or flu like symptoms such as fever, chills, cough, muscle aches, and sinus congestion/drainage. If these symptoms are present, the CDC recommends to limit exposure to others and contact your healthcare provider. “
The hospital has also implemented visitor restrictions.
“As recommended by the Louisiana State Health Department, Minden Medical Center has implemented visitor restrictions. This is being done to protect our patients, employees, and community. By entering the facility, anyone can be at risk of acquiring a transmissible illness.”
The guidelines for Minden Medical Center’s restrictions are below.
- 1 caregiver per patient per day.
- No children under the age of 18.
- All caregivers will be screened upon entrance to the facility for fever and respiratory symptoms.
- Caregivers will be required to sign out the same entrance as they did upon arrival during the hours of 6:00AM-5:00PM.
- After 5:00 PM, the only entry/exit point will be located at the rear hospital entrance.
- Caregivers will be given a visitor pass that must be visibly worn at all times.
- Caregivers are asked to stay in the room with the patient, and mobility shall be limited to the specified unit. Meals will be provided to one caregiver.
- Cafeteria is closed to all caregivers as well as the public until further notice.
“Thank you for your cooperation as the safety of our patients, staff members, and community is our highest priority,” the statement read.
As things unfold, Minden Medical Center said it’s policies and procedures will adapt.
“GOSEP Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness has also set up a COVID-19 hotline (1-855-523-2652) for those with questions or concerns. Currently we are testing in accordance with CDC Guidelines,” the statement read.
“As this situation changes, we will continue to evolve our testing procedures. It’s important to keep in mind that the majority of COVID-19 cases are mild and only a small percentage of patients will require hospitalization. The majority of patients should be able to recover at home. Currently care for COVID-19 patients is supportive and there are no vaccines available to treat this disease.”
Officials ask the public to follow the CDC guidelines for preventing the spread of COVID-19.
“We encourage everyone to practice infection prevention techniques as outlined by CDC such as washing hands frequently, avoiding touching your face, covering your mouth when you cough, sneezing with a tissue, coughing into your elbow to control your cough, avoiding large crowds, and staying home when you are sick,” the statement read.
The public may visit the CDC website at www.cdc.gov/COVID19 for current updated information.