Home » Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College cracks the top 10 community colleges

Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College cracks the top 10 community colleges

by Will Phillips

Northwest Louisiana Technical College was announced to be in the top 10 community colleges according to a study released from SmartAsset ranking 821 community colleges across the country. 

These rankings are based on a variety of metrics including the graduation and transfer rate, the student-to-faculty ratio and the cost of in-state tuition and fees to identify  the best community colleges in the nation. 

NWLTC was ranked number 6 on this list out of 821 other community colleges.

With tuition and fees that are a fraction compared to public and private colleges and universities, community colleges offer an affordable option for students who are interested in earning an associate’s degree or eventually transferring to a four-year institution. 

The full report, including the methodology and key findings, can be found here.

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