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Police, fire pay issues remain unresolved in City of Minden

by Minden Press-Herald

How the City of Minden plans to correct pay issues that plague city police and fireman remain in the air.

An internal audit of civil service employee’s pay was conducted after Minden police Sgt. Ryan Barnette spoke at the November 2015 city council meeting informing the council the city had notified him that he was overpaid for about three years and owed nearly $9,500 in backpay.

“We’re investigating everyone’s pay to make sure it is being done correctly,” Minden Mayor Tommy Davis said in a November 2015 interview. “We’re going back 10 years, and it will take some time to make sure all the I’s are dotted and T’s are crossed.”

The city has yet to discuss the findings of the audit, but according to sources, calculations involving two percent longevity raises, holiday pay, supplemental pay and retirement benefits were calculated incorrectly, which led to more pay issues than thought between both departments.

A public records request has been made by the Press-Herald for the findings.

The Minden City Council met for a special meeting Thursday to authorize the city to settle the payroll issues found during the audit. After meeting in executive session for more than an hour, the council moved to table the issue until a later date.

“We met and had a long discussion, but we couldn’t come up with a conclusion,” Davis said following the meeting.

Davis wasn’t forthcoming on how the city planned on fixing the issues saying he couldn’t discuss it.

“I can’t answer anything, I wish I could,” he said. “I know what I want to do, but I can’t tell you that.”

As to when the city council and city officials will continue talks on resolving the issue remain unknown.

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