The Webster Parish Police Jury will be discussing several items related to the floods that poured through the parish in early March.
In committee meetings, the jury will consider request for proposals for flood debris removal, disposal and monitoring. They will also discuss updates and deadlines as well as parish-owned property.
“What this is really about is construction debris in flooded houses,” Jury President Jim Bonsall said. “When we talk about removal, the homeowner or contractor will be responsible for putting it in a designated place, whether it be along the side of the road or wherever we decide it will be.”
He explained that construction materials, such as sheetrock and lumber, would have to be separated before the police jury can pick it up, adding these are according to regulations set by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
“That is debris removal and debris disposal, and it’s all got to be documented,” he said.
In the administrative committee meeting, jurors will consider a polling place change.
In the road committee meeting, jorors are expected to discuss priority roads as it relates to the recent flooding, the Department of Transportation and Development signage grant and municipality requests.
During the regular meeting, the jury will ratify their discussions in committee.
Also on the agenda is:
- To approve expenses for jurors who attended the Louisiana Police Jury Association event in Shreveport from March 3-5 as well as expenses related to the Louisiana Legislature Day in Baton Rouge, Thursday, March 31.
- Recreational Funding for the Cullen Museum as follows: District 1, $900; District 2, $1,500; District 3, $2,000; District 8, $500; District 9, $1,500 and District 10, $1,500.
- Board appointments to the Cullen Fire Protection District No. 6, to the Sparta Groundwater Commission and to the Webster Parish Fire Protection Districts No. 4 and 1.
- Resolution with regard to the signage grant.
- Resolution to ratify the action by the Webster Parish Library Board to purchase property for the Springhill Branch of the Webster Parish Library (formerly Walgreens).
- Ratify action to advertise for emergency bids due to the storm disaster on March 8: approval of debris management plan for Webster Parish, approve ad for RFP for debris monitoring and approve ad for RFP for debris removal and disposal.
- Approve contract for debris disposal and/or monitoring pending approval by legal counsel and FEMA regulations.
- Approval of a resolution to formally accept ownership from DOTD for Doerge Landing.
- Approval of action of the police jury to move forward with the change in the polling place for Webster Parish Precinct 15, and
- Approval of canvass of voter registration rolls and approval to request allowed exemptions of precincts with less than 300 active registered voters.
The police jury will meet at 9 a.m., Tuesday, April 5, in committee at the police jury office on the third floor of the Webster Parish Courthouse, and the regular meeting will be at 10:30 a.m., on the second floor in the meeting room.