A public hearing has been set for September regarding the 2016 millage rates, and the good news is they will not roll forward.
The Webster Parish Police Jury is eligible to roll forward its millage rates for the general obligation tax, which is collected from the Cities of Minden and Springhill for the parish’s general fund. This is set by the Louisiana Legislature, police jury officials said.
A reassessment was recently done by the Webster Parish Tax Assessor’s Office and the police jury was told the values dropped, which means rates had to be readjusted and millage rates will not roll forward.
The public hearing date had originally been set for August, but to make sure they are within their publication timeframe, jurors decided to change the public hearing to September.
“Because of publication requirements, it will need to be moved to September,” Secretary Treasurer Ronda Carnahan said. “We have to publish within 30 days of the date that we announce it. This will be to just adopt your normal millage rates for the year.”
In other news, the police jury gave a nod of approval for the Springhill Fire District #11 to hold an election Dec. 10 to authorize the levy of a parcel fee of $96 per lot. The collection of an estimated $262,000 over 10 years would be to help the fire district with “acquiring, constructing, maintaining and operating fire protection facilities and equipment for the district, including the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes and the salaries of firemen.”
The police jury also approved a resolution designating signature authority for the Louisiana Development Block Grant for water improvement. This year’s water system that met the requirements is the St. James Water System.
The police jury also set the speed limit on Jack Martin Road to 25 miles per hour from end to end for heavy trucks.
“We’ve had several complaints from constituents that have been run off the road by big trucks, and we’ve been advised by our attorney to lower the limits for the trucks,” District 7 Juror Steve Lemmons. “This is just for heavy truck traffic alone.”
All jurors were in favor with the exception of District 5 Juror Bernard Hudson, who abstained.
The police jury also approved a beer permit for Two Jacks Casino due to a change in ownership.
The next police jury meeting is set for 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, Aug. 2, in the meeting room on the second floor of the Webster Parish Courthouse. Committee meetings will be at 9 a.m., on the third floor of the courthouse.