Home Uncategorized Ringgold woman arrested for attempted murder

Ringgold woman arrested for attempted murder

by Minden Press-Herald

A woman was arrested for attempted first-degree murder after she reportedly drug a police officer down Homer Road with her vehicle.



Vicky Brackens, 54, of the 1100 block of Hall Street in Ringgold, was arrested Sunday, Jan. 31, for attempted first-degree murder, aggravated flight from an officer and felony theft (third offense).

Minden Police Chief Steve Cropper says around 7:30 a.m., police received a call from Walmart in reference to a woman attempting to leave the store with two televisions for which she had not paid, adding she left the two televisions in the parking lot.

“Lt. Seth Young was in the vicinity when the call came in,” Cropper said. “One of the employees followed her out to her car and got a description of the vehicle. Lt. Young conducted a traffic stop on her at the parking lot exit which enters Homer Road.”

The woman, identified as Brackens, was asked to exit her vehicle and she refused, Cropper said. Young opened her car door and again asked her to exit the vehicle, the chief says, and still she refused.

“He reached in to unlatch her seatbelt to get her out of the car, and as he was half-way inside the vehicle to unlatch her seatbelt, she proceeded to drive off,” he said. “Lt. Young was dragged over 50 feet on Homer Road. He had injuries to both of his arms, road rash on his arms and back and an injury to the back of his head. He also had an injury to his left leg.”

Cropper says Webster Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Daniel White was close enough that he reportedly witnessed the incident where Young eventually rolled away from the vehicle. White pursued the vehicle, and at that time, Officer Russell Engi arrived on scene to assist.

A pursuit ensued, the chief said. White and Engi pursued her on Homer Road, where she turned onto Goode Avenue then to Louisiana Avenue. While on Louisiana Avenue, she reached speeds topping 60 miles per hour, and when she attempted to turn onto Kennon Street, she wrecked the vehicle, according to the police report.

“Due to the theft of the televisions, detectives were called out, and Lt. Young received treatment for his injuries,” he said.

Brackens was transported by ambulance to Minden Medical Center where she was treated for her injuries.

She was arrested for attempted first-degree murder for dragging Lt. Young down the street, felony theft as this was her third offense and aggravated flight from an officer for the vehicle pursuit, Cropper said.

Following treatment of her injuries, she was booked at Bayou Dorcheat Correctional Center.

The chief says Young is OK and reported for duty the following day.

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