“From beginning to end, the rituals of our lives” is the title of a wonderful book by Robert Fulghum. He teaches simple truths about why we have rituals from the moment we are born until the day we die.
If we are typical human beings we hold family traditions dear that enrich our lives through memory. Why we do what we do is so complex, rather than trying to explain why we have rituals I want to share a few of my holiday rituals, most of which cost very little and are very simple.
One of my traditions is baking hot yeast rolls for family and friends. I’ve used the same recipe I received from Nellie Stobaugh in 1975, while living in Cleveland, Arkansas. I became hooked on the recipe.
I must mention I won a blue ribbon making those rolls in a baking contest while living in Plain Dealing! The joy I felt winning gives me a boost from year to year.
There is my ritual of writing Christmas stories which began in 1993 when I wrote one for The Shreveport Times about my old family trunk that’s a treasure trove of old pictures, letters and memorabilia that led me on my lifelong journey of family tree tracing.
Having grown up in an orphanage I was compelled to trace my family tree. Since 1978 I’ve located more living long lost relatives than anyone I know. It all began by piecing together stories from the trunk. I became quite the detective in tracing down distant kinfolks without even a computer, mostly through directory assistance and the public library.
Another ritual I thrive on, throughout the year, is speaking to people I don’t know while I’m out in public places because my mama didn’t teach me not to talk to strangers. Someone told me that our friends were all strangers until we met them.
My Christmas rituals are very inexpensive, perhaps through necessity. I receive childlike joy while keeping traditions that embellish my life.
I read a true story in Reader’s Digest that was written by a young woman who was suffering depression. While reading her grandmother’s journal she found a secret recipe for fighting depression, not to diminish the need for medicine.
Her grandmother wrote that it helps if we cook something good every day, if we write our thoughts down, if we exercise, if we make something beautiful everyday and if we do something for someone else everyday.
It seems like a magic formula to me! I sense that in performing these daily chores we focus on something and someone else besides ourselves.
I have a few other rituals that aren’t seasonal — that might be labeled as obsessive compulsive behavior, commonly known as OCD. That will have to wait because I like my compulsive behavior which adds security to my life.
Some of our rituals should be kept private, so private that I will only mention that “what God hears in secret He will reward openly.” It’s in the Bible.
We have practices we perform on a regular basis to keep our senses on! Rituals add security to our lives, strengthening the family in return.
Story telling, through writing, enriches my life and keeps me going from day to day.
I think the best Christmas rituals cost very little but give back so much in return!
Though my life has been checkered by difficult times I find security knowing that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever and that He always gets me to the right place at the right time in ways hard to explain..
Contact Sarah at [email protected]