Home NewsLife Sarah Hudson Pierce: What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger

Sarah Hudson Pierce: What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger

by Minden Press-Herald

“What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger” was first attributed to Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher, in the 1800’s.  It  is the key line   from Steel Magnolias, set in   Natchitoches, Louisiana.

I’ve enjoyed this  life with all it’s challenges, heartaches and broken dreams and  if I had it to do over again I wouldn’t change anything.  Next time around it might turn out worse.

Sarah Hudson Pierce.

We can’t undo our mistakes so we might as well not keep on beating ourselves up.

I always say “I’m not going to beat myself up.  I’ll let someone else do it for me..”

Even though I lived in an orphanage as a child, had a nervous breakdown in 1981, not to count numerous other situations in my life that would be called unbearable, I see life as a patchwork quilt.  We have to wait until the end of life, in eternity, if not sooner, to see God’s hand in every step of our journey.

   A few things I have learned, along the way, are that this life is not forever and  I want to go to heaven.  Also I know that I have made many mistakes in my life,

and  if I were capable of living my life over again I might make  even make  more wrong decisions next times if there are wrong choices.

Sometimes mistakes lead us to a brighter day.

Life is a learning process. We have all made mistakes but with God in the center of our lives things have a way of working out no matter how dreary the circumstances we face.

Life is simply not easy.

No matter what happens to us, including losing limbs or family members, these tragedies  can somehow be used to benefit others and help  us fulfill our purpose on this earth.

God sees our heart.

   I watched a segment with John Stossel who had a most enlightening discussion about separation of church and state.  He also said he has yet to really believe in God but he wants to.

I suspect there are a number of people who really want to believe in God.  I know there will always be a hunger deep inside our souls until we know and accept the existence of God and allow Him to take that place in our life — and not in just a “church house” way which comes across as false and often hypocritical to those round about us.

God can use each one of our experiences to make us a light to a lost and dying world no matter where we are or how deep our depression. 

 Life is just too beautiful to give in.

We must not give up.  Our family and friends need us too much.

We must keep on keeping on and look to Him for the answers. Sometimes God places people in our paths to help us do that.

Though I am sometimes just as confused  as the rest, I know that “one day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess.”

The joy I possess comes from knowing that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and that He always gets me to the right place at the right time.

Contact Sarah at [email protected]

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