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School resource officer contracts tops agenda

by Minden Press-Herald

The school resource officer contracts between the Webster Parish School Board and the Minden and Springhill police departments will go before the board Monday.

After review from attorneys, the contracts put before the board include what will be paid to each officer. If approved as is, the school board will pay $9,250 for one officer at Webster Junior High School and one officer for Minden High School. A total of $4,738.61 will be paid for one officer at North Webster High School.

Springhill chief Will Lynd and mayor Carroll Breaux approached the school board in June asking them to pay for a school resource officer. Although the city has had one, the city has paid for the officer to be at NWHS, while covering the other schools when needed.

In the contracts are what performances are needed, costs, terms and limits of the contract. Then the board will have to decide where the SROs will be, whether they will be full time or part time and list the conditions.

Also on Monday, a personnel committee meeting will take place at 5 p.m. to discuss the renewal of superintendent of schools Dr. Dan Rawls’ contract. Evaluation scores for Rawls were released and his score was 2.27 out of an overall score of 3.

Rawls was rated in four different areas: educational leadership, district management, performance objectives and board and community relations.

The board will take action on whether to adopt a resolution providing for canvassing the returns and declaring the results of the election on the renewal of the parish-wide property mill tax for district 6.

The tax passed 64 percent to 36 percent against. The tax was renewed for 10 years, estimating an annual amount of $729,000.

Also on the agenda:
– Jason Wesson will address the board on policy for feeding students going on out-of-town trips,

– Board member JJ O’Neal will address the board to review the policy on employees entrance to school events using their WPSB badges,

– Ceiling repairs to WJHS in the amount of $4225,

– The furnishing, hauling, laying and dirt for a metal building at Central School in the amount of $5,000,

– Refinishing the gym floor at Minden High School for $2,620,

– Approval of the sale of an old food service van.

– Field trips approved,

– Personnel report and

– Superintendent’s report.

The personnel committee will meet at 5 p.m., followed by a finance committee meeting at 5:30 p.m. The full board will meet at 6 p.m. at Central Office, 1442 Sheppard Street.

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