SPRINGHILL — An incident at a Springhill elementary school, which the top Springhill lawman believes was “a prank that went bad,” has two school employees facing misdemeanor charges for battery and conspiracy.
Springhill Chief of Police Will Lynd said a teacher at Browning Elementary School came to police headquarters about a week ago and reported she had been assaulted at the school.
“She told us she was restrained and licked on the cheek by the school secretary,” Lynd said. “When the secretary allegedly did this, we were told she turned and walked to the school office, held out her hand and the school principal placed a dollar in her hand.”
Lynd said the secretary allegedly said to the principal, “I told you I’d do it,” and the principal reportedly replied, “Well, you surely did.”
School secretary Karla Cook Peck, 52, who lives on 5th Street Northeast in Springhill, reportedly turned herself in to police after a city court warrant was issued charging her with simple battery. The school’s principal, 46-year-old Levester Lamon Mills, a resident of the Methodist Camp Road in Minden, also turned himself in on a warrant charging criminal conspiracy, Lynd said.
Webster Parish Superintendent of Schools Dr. Dan Rawls said he could not comment on the case since it is currently in the legal system. He did say the school system had a number of options that could affect the two employees, including suspension.
“Depending on the circumstances, suspension is one of several options,” he said. “We rely on the local jurisdiction to determine what happens. We have attorneys who keep up with the situation until we get to the bottom of it,” Rawls said.
Thank u Minden press Herald and rest assure his hand will be spanked and be sent back to work.. sadly noone really listens to the victim..speaking for experience.
Really. This does not seem to be something that people need to go to jail over or loose there job.
It was a joke…a prank. No one was hurt or injured. If they had been selling the kids drugs or hurting the children then I would understand. But in my opinion this has been taken too far.
Oh my word; really?! Ppl get a grip it was a joke albeit poor judgment was involved. The “teacher” needs to learn how to deal with it instead of going to the cops
Wow! Criminal charges for licking someone on the face. And the kids are prepared for this common core crap
Mr Mills is awesome! My kids loved all the staff there. This is crazy
Noone should ever be licked at work… just saying…. kids heads would roll if they licked another student….suspension…highest punishment in school…. why shouldn’t adults get the max punishment in the real world…whatever the law deems necessary? My opinion.
TRY to lick me in the face and see what you get…would be no need for me to call the police at all. Once i got done though…they might call them thierselves. ;( Disgusting prank if you ask me!!
It was a very stupid joke and I don’t blame the victim for reporting it. It’s a form of bullying and should not be overlooked.
Wow! You can tell this is from a small town now in Shreveport this would be a total joke which I still think it is!
Nasty prank. Humiliating for the teacher. And, unless she has been a willing pranster with the Secretary, et al in the past, I would be one hot teacher. The police? Probably not; but then I don’t know what has gone on before. As adults setting an example for the children (which would likely have been suspended had they pulled such on their own) I saw at the very least, “People show some dignity and respect, for yourself and others” for goodness sake.
Nasty prank. Humiliating for the teacher. And, unless she has been a willing pranster with the Secretary, et al in the past, I would be one hot teacher. The police? Probably not; but then I don’t know what has gone on before. As adults setting an example for the children (which would likely have been suspended had they pulled such on their own) I saw at the very least, “People show some dignity and respect, for yourself and others” for goodness sake.
I agree what they need to be worried about the kid learning instead of prank please let focus on something else they shouldn’t go to jail for this
That’s disgusting! I would be furious! I don’t know about criminal charges but they certainly deserve some disciplinary action! What a great example of maturity and behavior for the students!
The lady licked her face u know how many germs and shit is going around I say fire there ass and keep ms tally in as principle
The lady licked her face u know how many germs and shit is going around I say fire there ass and keep ms tally in as principle
Ugh. Are you kidding?
All I can say is “teacher” grow up! Anyone who knows these two alleged assaultees know dang good an well they meant no harm. This is bogus an for “victims” learn how to take a joke, don’t cry like a baby an run to the police. Seems the “teacher” probably is a vindictive stupid woman an has more intentions in mind. Simply ridiculous.
bullying is bullying no matter who does it. would they want someone to spit on them and think it is o.k.
Bullying. Period. You can bet the principal and the secretary were up to no good.
Well if the secretary would have kept her tongue in her mouth and the principal his money in his pocket they would not be concerned over going to jail or loosing their jobs….grow up!!!!!
How in the world is licking someone battery or simple assault? Seriously people get a life!
I am LMAO!! This is such an immature situation, people, please, we are all human and a humorous nature is what some of us have……..others that live a square life would see this as a crime………I don’t……….GO ON WITH YOUR LIVES!!!
Sick…. Just sick…It would have been on!!! Too many diseases, viruses, germs nowadays for such stupidity!!! Too disgusting is all I know, and yea I would of reported it as well!!! Good for you teacher!!
Once while I was at work another had sprayed me with a high pressure fire hose. The next morning he woke up to his boots gorilla glued to the bunk house floor, and we’re cool. Live, laugh, and love. Bitterness is only rewarded with more bitterness.
Kudos Webster Parish Schools, you continue to impress with your professionalism and high standards for our children. As for you who think this is just a prank, how would you react if someone randomly walked up to you in walmart and licked your face?! That’s just disgusting. Regardless if you was a joke or not it’s not professional and doesn’t set good examples for our children, schools and parish. Our school system continues to spiral down the drain
Paying someone to do a HATE crime knowing they are a germaphobe is WRONG . No matter what direction u look at it..
Very disgusting and they are supposed to be adults whom many parents rely on to guide and teach their kids. How do they discipline when they need to be disciplined! I don’t blame the teacher for turning them in, get real leaders in for the kids and I would have kicked her butt first! Who knows if she have some sort of illness that is spreadable, and what if the teacher was sick! The teacher should receive free tetnus shot, etc with health monitoring due to this, at their expense! Grow the hell up!!!!
Joke or not that is disgusting and totally inappropriate in any office much less a school office. As adults we know better than to act that way.
This is just nasty, i wanna know wlhow this got started???what were they doing sitting around in the office plotting who was gonna lick who?? Nasty nasty nasty. These folks supose to be role models and setting examples for these children. Now these kids are probally gonna be licking teachers. Stupid Employees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You people that think this is just a prank and they need to get over it have lost your mind!! I like a joke/prank as much if not more than the next person, but this is just nastly!! You all say that, but how bout you line up and let me spit in your face and and then have someonepay me for doing it, I bet you don’t just walk off laughing about it cause it is “just a joke”. No, you would be fighting mad!!
I’ll go one even better, let them hold your child down and do that!!! Yeah, different attitude about it now huh?!!!
Eye recently met these individuals at the school while attending to disciplinary issues concerning my grandson. Well, what do you know, they’re as culpable as the kids as it pertains to childish sshenanigans. Praying for our school system administrators.
If two kids did this to another they would not be allowed back at school. This is two supposed adults. They know better. They should loose their jobs.
Omg lets fire everybody. Oh no you didn’t wash your hands after you took a #2 you fired roflmao m yes maybe not right but fired good lord people
Omg really? We call that a tattle tale! No I wouldn’t want someone to kick my face but I certainly wouldn’t press charges if they did!
That wasn’t Aubrie it was me her dad. I don’t know why it shows as her
Sounds like those two don’t have a lick of sense….
Awww Ms Karla.WTF
I have a lot of bad things I’d like to say about the teacher who filed this. She’s pretty pathetic if you ask me. It was a joke bc the teacher is a germ freak and she had been in the office complaining about the children licking each other’s faces. You know like kids may do. So as a joke the principal had the secretary go lick her. Its ridiculous that the police let her file this. Can you say Bitch.
If somebody did that to me I’d kick their butt! That’s just as bad as spitting if not worse because there’s personal contact.
These people are paid to do a job!! Teach our children, not playing jokes
Yes it’s called a sense of humor, I wouldn’t run to the cops like a baby. I’d laugh an wipe my face off an go about my business. No need to get hasty or arrested over dump stuff. Taking it light hearted not Goin over the top
I dont know if jail was the answer but im pretty sure it is no longer a “funny joke or just a prank” as some are stating when a person is held down against their will.. In a place that they teach all the above is wrong.. so because she was an adult she should have just laughed off someone holding her down and putting her saliva on her face. yeah i dont think i could laugh that one off.. like i said i dont know if jail was the answer but it for sure crossed the line of a haha joke.. what would they do if it was the children betting,daring,restraining and licking?
Idc what any of yall say. Mr. Mills. Is the best teacher/ principal. I think it’s funny how people judge so easily. And never forgives. Yall act like yall live so perfectly. Hypocrites. Yall pass me off
So instead of teaching and looking after the children, these two are busy holding people down and licking them. That’s just disgusting and for what? A freakin dollar. Seriously? What a great example you two are setting for our kids!
So let me get this straight. My tax dollars were used to arrest, house and feed someone for “licking” another person? Whew! I’m sure glad we’re being protected from such criminals!
What a waste of our tax dollars and community resources. People question what’s wrong with America and where all our tax money is going? Ridiculousness like this. Shame.
Let’s also remember these people are supposed to be ADULTS! Prank or not!
Shaking my head it’s two sides to any story yes I would be upset but not enough to file charges this was out of hand I think a apology from the staff would have been nice but in order for the 2 staff member to play a crank they had to be some what comfortable with this teacher so I think all parties have played jokes brfore
Really assault? G.M.A.B sexual harassment yes but assault are you kidding me? Restrained not without people around reacting snuck up on maybe lol.
This is not only an unfortunate example of the lack of professionalism but demonstrates a tolerance for disrespect of personal boundaries of employees and abuse of authority. All employees have the right to legal recourse and a moral obligation to prevent this type of mistreatment.
I did NOT think it funny. I bet the teacher felt so violated and helpless that she saw she could not report to principal so she went to school board. They probably laughed it off and this was her only recourse. I’m with Kathy the woman would’ve gotten smacked and some new vocab words would have been introduced to the children. However we don’t know the teacher and she sounds classier than that or this could be something that has been going on. So my advice is to not put your hands on ANYONE and LICK them or your best hope is the police. But I do not judge the teacher good for her.
Simple battery is getting off light. The moment they restrained her is also considered kidnapping. To impede ones motion to leave. Kidnapping is a felony 5 years in the big house.
Simple battery is getting off light. The moment they restrained her is also considered kidnapping. To impede ones motion to leave. Kidnapping is a felony 5 years in the big house.
Anytime you put your hands on someone (whether to hit them, hug them or LICK them) without their permission, it is legally considered assault. If you don’t like it, don’t put your hands on someone…. This might have been a prank but it’s a disgusting, potentially dangerous prank with all the germs and junk floating around….
You want to joke and play, do it in the lounge, or better yet on your off time! When you are in front of the children, be professional! You are teachers and they learn from everything they see! You humiliated and violated that woman in front of her students. You deserve an assault charge at the very least! Kudos for that teacher for teaching her students that she will not be bullied!
Pretty clear from the comments…why bullying is so horrible these days. Can’t imagine someone in my work place doing this, would like to say it would NEVER happen but if it did I believe the nicest thing for me to do would be to go to the police but I’m pretty sure that would not even cross my mind. I commend the teacher for doing the right thing!!
I too have had a horrible issue with Mr. Mills.. I received MANY inappropriate text messages from this principal. And candy gifts. Messages from him asking me to meet him during the summer. Asking me to send him pictures etc.. I reported all these messages to the school board officials and no action was taken to my knowledge. When I asked if I would be allowed to sub there again I was told “that is up to the principal” and he has refused to have me sub there.. Now this? And because I have commented on these incident I have been told today by a school board official I can no longer sub in webster parish. .I’m so upset of how they are handling this man.. almost in fear..
People should not use profanity when they post. I tend to ignore comments from people that can’t even spell!
Sadly. I can personally say this isn’t the first incident with this principal. I personally have received inappropriate texts from this principal asking me to meet him after school hours, sending candy to me while at his school subbing and during the summer messaging asking for pictures. I turned all the messages in to the school board officials and no action were taken, to my knowledge. When I asked would I be allowed to sub at that school, because I was working very often there, I was told “that was up to the principal” well of course he was upset and refused to have me sub at the school again.. and now due to me making comments yesterday I have just been informed by a school board official I can no longer sub in webster parish.. I am only standing for what I believe is right. I have children and my job is to make sure they know right from wrong. .
That use to be my brothers principal
Ewww….that’s gross, I’d be the one going to jail. Hope no one had any diseases
This makes me so mad that this was even done must less in front of the kids!! I personally know this VICTIM and this is not only nasty but appalling!! Disgusting doesn’t begin to describe it and they deserve to lose their jobs! She is one of the best women I know and this is nothing but BULLYING!
Someone, please go randomly lick all the people below who think this is a joke! AND video tape their reaction! I would be interested to see if they laugh it off!!
What if he kissed her cheek , would it be attempted rape ?
And these are the supposedly adults who are in charge of our children?
Glad my Grandaughters will be home schooled.
Our police don’t have anything better to do than this?
An environment such as this should practice decorum and professionalism. How utterly disgusting that common sense apparently isn’t- my vote- fire them both-
Well this brings school bullying to a completely new level. If a child has to go to the office for bullying and is asked where did you learn to act like this form of aggression the child could say “I learned it from you”
If someone licked my face I would have assault charges
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