Webster Parish will have a municipal general election tomorrow, composed of two parish-wide millage renewals and two municipality-specific millage renewals.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. Voting locations include the Webster Parish Courthouse and the Springhill Civic Center. Registered voters can find their voting location at geauxvote.com.
The Webster Parish School District seeks to continue a 6.15-mill property tax “for the purpose of giving aid and support to the public schools of the District” and a 2.64-mill tax “for the purpose of providing repairs, upkeep, additions and maintenance of buildings and physical properties to the schools of the District” through 2027.
Also, voters are asked to continue a property tax for Consolidated School Dist. No. 3 (Lakeside/Central) in the amount of 26.42 mills.
Fire districts in the towns of Cullen and Cotton Valley are looking to renew millage for the purpose of operating facilities and equipment.