Contributed by Columnist Sarah Hudson Pierce
The Bible says, “a word fitly spoken is like pictures of gold, in apples of silver.”
Having just read The Right Words at the Right Time, edited by Marlo Thomas, who tells how her father, Danny Thomas, told her how to win the race by keeping her blinders on, which made all the difference in her life as an actress, reminding me of Nicholas Sparks who said “we sit silently and watch the world around us. This takes a lifetime to learn. It seems only the old are able to sit next to one another and not say anything and still feel content. The young, brash and impatient, must always break the silence. It is a waste, for silence is pure. Silence is holy. It draws people together because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking. This is the great paradox.”
Max Ehrmann, born in 1872, the author of Desiderata said “Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others,even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.”
I have had this poem in my collection since high school in Tulsa, back in the 60’s when my speech teacher, Shirl White, gave it to us.
If he wanted us to know something he would read it aloud. He was a master at keeping our attention and a role model in many ways, never counting the hours and effort he spent in nurturing our creative streak whether in acting or writing.
I have found one of the best ways to be happy with myself is to be “comfortable in my own skin.”
It took me a lifetime to learn that but it also liberates me, giving me a feeling of acceptance but also tends to help control blood pressure problems!
Why don’t we know more of these great truths when we are young? Perhaps insecurity is a great driving force in our life that helps us to achieve our goals while we learn these truths as we go along.
The problem of nitpicking has been an age-old issue considering that the Pharisees in Jesus time thought they had it down even accusing Jesus of sin because He ate with the publicans and sinners!
This is how it is and probably always will be.
I’ve observed that those who are often critical will sooner or later commit the same mistakes as the ones that they were most critical.
That’s my take on life.
This attitude in churches often turns the “un-churched” away.
Some of these thoughts came to me after an accident in 2013. While leaning on my crutches, with pins still in my foot, I stopped to scribble down these thoughts that have become a part of my philosophy.
Napoleon Hill, famous American motivational speaker, said “we become what we think about.”
Our thoughts and those of others impact our lives.
Max Ehrman also said “be gentle with yourself. You are no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here.”
I feel at peace when I struggle with “situations” in my life that somehow have always worked out, giving me security in life even when I’ve felt all alone.
With all of my struggles, I am so blessed!.
As I pillow my head I know that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and He always gets me to the right place at the right time.