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Tommy Hayes speaks at Town and Country Garden Club Meeting

by Minden Press-Herald

The Town and Country Garden Club met in the beautifully decorated home of Yvonne Jackson for the April 27 meeting. President Judy Chandler asked Virginia Fox to open the meeting with prayer, and then the members enjoyed delicious refreshments furnished by hostesses Yvonne Jackson, Susie Lester and Sybil Ray.

President Judy Chandler introduced Tommy Hayes, who owns PATHS Daylily Farm in Elm Grove. Mr. Hayes gave a very informative program on raising and growing daylilies. He and his wife, Peggy, started their farm with daylilies they dug up from her grandmother’s home place after her grandmother passed away.  They now have over 1,000 varieties. Some tips Mr. Hayes shared were to not plant daylilies too deep or put too much mulch around them. Doing so will cause daylilies to develop crown rot. Daylilies aren’t picky about soil, but they don’t like “wet feet.”  They are tough plants, and only need to be divided every four to five years to keep them blooming well. All of his daylilies are sold in pots and not by bare root. Daylilies come in a large variety of colors, but there is no such thing as a blue Daylily.

Susie Lester gave horticulture hints for May. It is time to prune azaleas. It is helpful to put old sheets under bushes to catch clippings. It is also time to fertilize azaleas.  If you have no place to plant vegetables, try planting them in five gallon buckets – tomatoes, pepper plants, and herbs do well in pots. Pinch garlic seed heads to keep plants’ energy going to healthy bulbs. Garlic can be planted in flower beds. Garlic plants like rich compost soil and full sun.  Instead of tossing onion peels in the compost pile, spread the peels in the cucumber patch to keep squash bugs and cucumber beetles away.

There was no treasurer’s report as the treasurer was absent. The Yard-of–the- Month sign was put in the yard of Mrs. A. Talton at 246 Country Club Circle. 
President Judy Chandler thanked the hostesses and reminded everyone that the offices of president, vice president and secretary need to be filled for next year. The May meeting will be a field trip to Ivy and Stone in Bossier and then to Good Eats for lunch. The meeting was adjourned.

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