Home Uncategorized Turner recognized for being WPSB employee of the month

Turner recognized for being WPSB employee of the month

by Minden Press-Herald

Loretta Turner, a teacher at Browning Elementary School, was named employee of the month by Taylor and Sons. Turner is pictured with Rodney Taylor. Michelle Bates/Press-Herald

Loretta Turner, a teacher at Browning Elementary School, was named employee of the month by Taylor and Sons. Turner is pictured with Rodney Taylor. Michelle Bates/Press-Herald

A teacher at Browning Elementary was honored with a plaque and goodie bag when she received employee of the month for March.

Rodney Taylor, of Taylor and Sons, presented Loretta Turner with the distinction at Monday’s school board meeting. He says she teaches first grade students at Browning.

“She has spent many hours after school conferencing with parents and educating them on how to better help their child,” he said. “The entire classroom atmosphere has taken a 180-degree turn. She has spent countless hours after school looking for different strategies and ways to reach all of her children.”

Each month, a teacher is chosen as employee of the month and the presentation is offered by Taylor and Sons.

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