Home Uncategorized Webster Parish Fire District 4 fire rating improves

Webster Parish Fire District 4 fire rating improves

by Minden Press-Herald

DUBBLERY — Dubberly residents will see slightly lower fire insurance premiums thanks to Webster Parish Fire District 4’s improved rating.

Jim Donelon, commissioner of insurance, said the department recently was upgraded to a Class 4 from a Class 5, and the changes take effect Nov. 7.

Donelon recognized the district firefighters and officials for their improvements.

“Through diligent work and cooperation, increased protection of homes, businesses and families from fires is possible,” Donelon said. “Improved fire protection ratings are a testament to the hard work of fire departments and community leaders and we all reap the benefits in the form of improved safety, peace of mind, and lower premiums for fire insurance due to decreased risk.”

Fire insurance for a home valued at $150,000 was costing residents in Fire District 4 about $1,132 a year. That cost is likely to drop to about $1,054 under the new grading, saving homeowners about $78 in annual premiums, according to the agency.

The amount of the premium rate reduction will vary, depending on the value of the property, the fire district where the property is located and the rate schedule of the company insuring the property.

Fire protection grading is regulated by the Property Insurance Association of Louisiana and approved by the Louisiana Insurance Commissioner. All fire districts are graded on a scale of 1 to 10 by PIAL, with 10 representing no fire protection and 1 being the best.

PIAL rates fire districts every five years.

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