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Wedding stimulates new Minden business

by Minden Press-Herald

Business publications talk about hundreds of ways ideas become new businesses and of the variety of stimulants that stir the creative juices leading to a new enterprise. “My daughter is getting married” doesn’t seem to be at the top of the list as a new business stimulant.

For Phyllis and Craig Watson and their daughter, Alicia Watson (now Adams), that phrase is exactly what stimulated their newest business venture.

“Most people, when they’re about to get married, rent a center,” Craig Watson said, standing inside the newly remodeled section of his office complex at 903 Shreveport Road. “Not us. My wife and daughter decided it would be more economical to remodel and develop a center, and here we are.”

The “here” is the former chapel of the Louisiana Missionary Baptist theological seminary located on the site years ago. Until a few weeks ago, it was part of the Watson’s office center, which houses their Impressions Advertising Specialties, other Watson businesses and another tenant.

After an extensive facelift, the 1,800 square foot main room and nearly 1,000 square feet of adjoining and available space makes up the Watson’s all-purpose event center. The location has already played host to a church service a week ago, Phyllis Watson said, and Alicia’s nuptials were event number two for the newly designed center.

“We plan to offer the center for weddings, business conferences, anniversary parties, receptions, family reunions, graduation parties…a place where people can gather for any particular reason,” Phyllis Watson said. “We have a kitchen area remodeled and new appliances have been ordered. They should be here very soon.”

Craig Watson, who has grown Impressions into an international business, said after his wife and daughter “…sort of got the idea for an event center for the wedding, we decided it would make sense to have such a facility. We will be able to accommodate large or small groups conveniently and comfortably.”

Although the Watsons do not plan to have a kitchen which will accommodate cooking, food and beverages will not be a problem.

“We will provide a list of caterers for individuals who want to serve foods, and we’ve designed a couple of areas where drinks can be served. We will also have available a licensed bartender,” Craig Watson said.
In addition to Impressions and the as-yet unnamed event center (“We’re still working on a name,” Phyllis Watson said), Alicia Watson has her studio, Make-up by Alicia, headquartered in the complex. Alicia is a make-up artist with movie assignments on her resume.

“We’re all involved in some way in the businesses, and it will be the same with the event center,” Craig Watson said. “We believe this is going to be a good thing for Minden.”

Reservations for the center can be made by calling Impressions Advertising Specialties 377-8413 or by visiting the website promoteyourbusiness.net.

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