The Webster Parish School Board unanimously adopted the resolution to set in motion funding for the renovation and construction at two schools.
With the passage of the resolution, sealed bids will be opened at 2 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 18.
Grant Schleuter, bonding attorney, says the bonds will be delivered Wednesday, March 23, and then the money will be put in the bank.
“After we receive the bids and accept the proposals, we’ll deliver the bonds on March 23 so the money will be in the bank and available for projects,” he said.
The motion to adopt the resolution was made by District 8 board member Ronnie Broughton, seconded by District 9 board member Frankie Mitchell, and adopted unanimously. Board members Johnnnye Kennon, District 10 and Linda Kinsey, District 7, were absent.
This now gives Superintendent of Schools Dr. Dan Rawls the authorization to advertise for the purchase of general obligation school bonds for school district No. 6 and to handle any matters in connection with the bids.
Rawls says the bids will be turned over to their attorney, Jon Guice, to make a recommendation based on the lowest bid and necessary qualifications. Once the recommendation is made, it would be brought before the board, most likely in March, for their consideration.
In other school news, an agenda item that was supposed to appear on the agenda was erroneously left off. District 6 Board Member John Madden wanted to discuss “events leading up to a football game” at North Webster High School, but because not all parties had been notified of the meeting or the potential discussion, District 11 Board Member Jerry Lott questioned the legality of discussing the matter.
Since Lott voted against the addition to the agenda, it was instead agreed upon to send the matter to the board’s disciplinary committee, made up of parents, faculty and a board member.
“Annually, we are required to have an internal disciplinary committee meeting,” said board president Charles Strong, “involving employees, teachers, central office staff and at least one board member. At last meeting, we appointed Mr. Broughton to serve on that committee. They’ll meet on Jan. 26 to discuss a range of subjects.”
Madden withdrew his request to add the item to the agenda in lieu of attending the disciplinary committee meeting.
The board also approved:
- Replacing the LED display controller at North Webster Junior High in the amount of $1,130 using Sarepta Maintenance Fund.
- The Webster Parish Parental Involvement in Education Policy and the Webster Parish Homeless Policies and Procedures for school year 2016-17.
- A request from the Title I-II Department to attend the Model Schools Conference in Orlando, Florida, in June,
- The purchase a 32-foot self-propelled electric scissor lift for the maintenance shop in the amount of $22,100, using the parish maintenance tax.
- Moving two portable buildings at Doyline School to J.L. Jones Elementary School at an estimated cost of $5,000 each. To connect electric and utilities, the cost will be about $10,000 each, all using the District 6 half-cent sales tax.
- The renewal of the maintenance agreement with Homeland Safety Systems for all security cameras at Webster Parish Schools for a total cost of $71,365.46.
- Replacement of two Lazer Z X-series 180 Kawasaki 60-inch mowers that were stolen from Central Elementary School in the amount of $9,315 each, using the District 3 Maintenance Fund.
- Permission to take requests for proposals for covered approximately 4,024 feet of drive/walkways at the student drop-off zone at Central Elementary School with the estimated cost of $75,000 to $144,000, using District 3 Maintenance Fund.
- Purchasing wall padding, including the lettering, for the Doyline High School gym from Minden Athletic Supply for $2,550, using the Doyline Building Fund.
- Paying United Automation $1,914.06 to replace the evacuation panel on the fire alarm at Doyline School, using the Doyline Building Fund.
The next board meeting will be Monday, Feb. 1, in the board meeting room at Central Office.