Home Uncategorized Audit: Webster Parish Council on Aging managed $550k with no findings

Audit: Webster Parish Council on Aging managed $550k with no findings

by Minden Press-Herald

An auditor gave the Webster Parish Council on Aging an “unqualified” opinion on its yearly financial audit — the best – possible rating.

Director Dathene Brown, who is set to retire in December after 47 years of running the organization, said it is because she keeps a tight handle on things out of respect to the people the agency serves and for the community which supports it.

“This community has always supported us,” she said. “From the very beginning when the (Webster Parish Police) jury allowed us an office- and they have supported us every year since- to the school board and individual donors and people who love us.”

Auditors did not note any deficiencies in internal control that it would consider to be material weaknesses.

According to the audit, the council gets most of its revenues from operating grants and contributions. Most of the grants are restricted, which means the money can only be used in certain programs. The council also received donations from its clients and the general public. These revenues helped to lessen the financial burden on the Council and allow it to maintain and expand services.

As of June 30, 2016, the council “as a whole” had assets greater than its liabilities of $2,110,079, whereas at June 30, 2015, the net position was $2,131,647, which is a decrease of $24,068. About 6 percent and 4 percent of the council’s total net position are unrestricted as of June 30, 2016, and 2015, respectively.

Marsha O. Millican, certified public accountant, performed the audit, ending with the fiscal year June 30, 2016, in September and results were published earlier this week.

“I have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of Webster Voluntary Council on Aging, Inc., In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly,” Millican said in the report.

The council’s largest activities are transportation and nutrition services. The council’s main focus is to meet the needs of the elderly citizens of Webster Parish and right now, these services are in the greatest demand.

“Our clients are the reason I keep a handle on things,” Brown said. “We have approximately a $550,000 budget each year and people are too easily tempted to not be vigilant.”

The council spent $24,184 on transportation for the elderly, $118,878 on meals at the facility, and $100,324 on home-delivered meals.
They received $527,117 from intergovernmental sources and $40,331 from public support.

From 2015 to 2016 the agency’s revenue declined by $191,171, however the council was able to reduce expenditures by $223,362.

The audit also noted that Brown’s salary for fiscal year was $52,000.

Brown said without support from the community, the agency would not be able to provide at such a high level.

“We get a lot of local money,” she said. “And that’s how we can do what we do.”

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