Home » Change is a fascinating phenomenon

Change is a fascinating phenomenon

by Minden Press-Herald

Karen’s Korner,

Change is a fascinating phenomenon. We seldom welcome it, yet the outcome is often very refreshing and wonderful. For some, it is a frightening experience, because we are never really certain we will like it. However, change is essential for growth and enlightenment. Our advocacy ideas concerning seniors talk quite a bit about change.

Change for a “broken institutional system” is a good thing.

“Resident Directed Care” is a good thing. Residents in long-term care facilities should have the right to choose when to get out of bed, when to take a bath or a shower, when to eat meals and maintain as much independence as possible. The long-term care facility should be “home” for each of the residents, and the quality of life, a feeling of being needed, and a place to voice needs should be foremost in the process. 

What a concept……

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