Space enthusiasts of all ages embarked on an exhilarating journey into the unknown during this morning’s “Among Us: Solar Eclipse” game at the Minden Library Branch of Webster Parish Libraries. The event, filled with thrilling discoveries and intense mystery, transported participants to the far reaches of the cosmos.
As the solar eclipse cast its enchanting shadows, young adventurers immersed themselves in a world of intrigue, navigating through intricate tunnels, uncovering moon rocks, and working together to identify the elusive imposter among them. The suspense was palpable as they delved deeper into the cosmic mysteries, wondering: who could it be?
But fret not, fellow space explorers! For those who missed out on this morning’s excitement, another chance to join the cosmic adventure awaits. Webster Parish Libraries is thrilled to announce that another “Among Us: Solar Eclipse” game is scheduled for today at the Minden Library Branch from 4:30 to 6:30 PM.
Don’t miss your opportunity to explore the cosmos, forge new friendships, and unravel the mysteries of the universe! Register by phone, in person, or via the Webster Parish Libraries App. For more details, contact Kaitlyn Taylor at (318) 371-3080 x116.
Prepare to launch into an out-of-this-world adventure as Webster Parish Libraries invites you to join the cosmic exploration!
Photos Courtesy of Webster Parish Libraries.