E.S. Richardson Elementary will be participating in activities Friday in celebration of Earth Day, and they are asking the community to support them as they host a recycle drive drop off.
Teacher Vera Meadors, coordinator, says from 9 a.m. until noon, fourth and fifth grade students will plant flowers donated by Cones Feed and Seed in front of the building, construct Earth Day posters and place in the hallways, participate in cleanup activities at Academy Park, plant a vegetable garden at the school under the leadership of Cliff Rainwater of 4-H and clean up the school campus.
“They are learning how to take care of their environment and how to take care of their surroundings and their community as a whole,” she said. “They will learn why we recycle paper and plastic, and why it’s important to pick up litter and not throw out litter – because it causes pollution.”
The fifth grade ELA classes will write an essay on why it is important to protect their environment, to keep it clean and safe, she said.
Students will be reaching out to the community as well through their recycling activity where the community may bring their recyclable paper, plastics and aluminum cans to drop off. Students will be standing in front of the building to receive recyclable items from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Meadors asks that all recyclable items be placed in bags before dropping them off.