Home » Epsilon Rho Chapter holds Black History Program

Epsilon Rho Chapter holds Black History Program

by Minden Press-Herald

Special to the Minden Press-Herald

Epsilon Rho Chapter of the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Incorporated held its first annual Black History program on Saturday, February 16, 2019 at Webster Junior High in Minden, LA. 

The theme of the program was “Honoring Our Legacy through Poetry, Prose, and Rhythm.  The Mistress of Ceremonies was Dr. Tiffany Bates. After a prayer by Mrs. Gail Coleman. Dr. Bates deliver the welcome. 

The Occasion and Litany on Black History was given by Mrs. Janice T. Givens. The audience was treated to a delightful African American spiritual trilogy by Mrs. Marguerite McCullough. St Peter’s Baptist Church of Shreveport perform a mime/praise rendition to the song “Glory” by John Legend and Common. Mr. Kristopher Jordan Jones of Minden, LA and Mr. Trenton Glover of Emerson, AR performed outstanding gospel praise dances. 

Mrs. Felicia Harris periodically gave out door prizes for correct Black History questions.  Executive Advisor Amanda Thomas delighted the audience with a poem on being proud of who you are.  The true highlight of the program was the New Light Puppetz of Praize performing “A Change is Gonna Come” and “Glory.” 

Mrs. Oretha Pope also closed out the program with “We Shall Overcome.” Closing Remarks were given by President Talisia M. Specks.

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