Home NewsLife Fannie Moore: Sudden changes bring about reflection, appreciation

Fannie Moore: Sudden changes bring about reflection, appreciation

by Minden Press-Herald

A few weeks ago I wrote about the seasons of life and how our life changes during each of the seasons.

Well, shortly after that, a major winter storm hit our family as it greatly affected the health of one of us. A lengthy hospital stay and several days of at home recovery period brought about a totally different insight into our lives and the possible storms that can hit us.

Today, I’m trying to find a place of quiet for a time of contemplation, prayer and restoration of strength to meet the needs of our new situation.

I retreated to my office, which sometimes is a sea of clutter, however, today I have found a time of solace and gratitude as I look around at the things in my office that are of importance to me.

To my right is a quilted wall hanging made for our fiftieth wedding anniversary by our granddaughter. This child had never sewn anything and certainly had never quilted. Her project was aided by her mother who came by in our absence and borrowed pictures to be used on the quilt. She then flew to Minot, N. Dk. carrying a portable sewing machine to be used for the project.

Pictures included pictures from my elementary and high school days, our days of dating and early married life, along with pictures of Hubby during his tour of duty with his Uncle Sam. They printed the pictures onto fabric and integrated them into the design of the quilt. This was displayed at our anniversary celebration and now it holds a treasured place hanging on the wall in my office.

In the left corner stands a four-drawer file cabinet which contains a miscellany of items including carbon copies (yes, back in the day) of some of my earliest submitted manuscripts. Many returned with a nice, “Does not fit in the plans we have for the near future of our publication” and some with nice acceptance letters indicating they would use it and payment would be forthcoming.

Along with these are copies of several publications that contain articles and poetry of mine, which I was proud to receive. These will be passed on to my children in the event they are interested.

One drawer contains files of article ideas, bits and pieces of usable quotations that might be used in the future, and copies of pictures which have been published along with some newspaper articles.

Hanging on the the wall in front of me, just above the computer is my photograph I call, “A Rainy Night in Georgia”. I took the picture from the balcony of our thirteenth floor hotel room in Savannah. It looks out over the city which is brightly  lighted, with the bridge in the background.

 But my most precious treasure in this room is a solid oak roll-top desk given to me one Christmas by our son. He was working at the time with a talented woodworker and he prevailed upon him to build the desk. It is large and had to be moved into this small room in two pieces. He went on Christmas Eve to pick it up and when they moved it in I was so shocked I could hardly say a word. They put the base in first, with three drawers on each side and a smaller center drawer.

Then they moved the top part in and got it in place and there sat the most beautiful piece of furniture I had ever seen. The top has six small drawers, several cubbyholes and the miraculous roll top that fit perfectly on it.

I treasure it and every time I  look at it I see our son (who is no longer with us) and the excitement in his face that Christmas. He was so proud he had pulled off such a great surprise for me.

I have made great use of the desk which sits so stately on the wall to my back as I work in my office.

Well, I’ve shed a few more tears and recalled some wonderful times from the past. 

Now, I must just acknowledge that we are not the “masters of our fate” and that our great God in is control. I will try to live just for today, and not think of what may lie ahead since I have no control over it. For I believe that what ever happens He will carry us through.

Fannie Moore lives in Shongaloo and writes on a variety of subjects.

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